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Creality Choir

A region-wide repertoire sees the voices of the Gascoyne harmonise as the Crealiy Choir.

Each year new songs are added to the growing song list, so you may attend any Creality Festival and be one of the many voices singing in unison.

Local choirmasters and community groups are supported seasonally by Creality’s choirmaster Aria Scarlett, as well as by touring artists. Different personas' different locations, but all the same choir! The Creality choir is comprised of The Shark Bay Entertainers, the Carnarvon Community Choir, Froth Brewary's Man Choir in Exmouth and Karaoke at Gascoyne Junction Pub.  It's only limited by numbers... So be brave, for 'the people who sing can not be beaten!'.   

To register your interest in choirmaster training, to host choir rehearsals or find out more please contact us here


Online vocal warm-ups, resources and the current song list can be found here.